Russell Abrutyn

Abrutyn Law PLLC

3765 12 Mile Road

Berkley, MI 48072

Monday, April 25, 2011

Country of last habitual residence

El Assadi v. Holder, No. 09-4193 (6th Cir. Apr. 25, 2011) (unpublished)

The alien was born in and spent nearly her entire life in Saudi Arabia, but had only temporary nonimmigrant status there, dependent on her father's nonimmigrant status.  She is a stateless Palestinian with a Lebanese travel document. 

Her asylum was denied because she had no fear, other than restrictions on work and poor treatment of women, of returning to Saudi Arabia.  She could not seek asylum from Lebanon because she had only briefly visited there and resided in Saudi Arabia, even though she had a Lebanese travel document.

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